Saturday, January 20, 2007

A major breakthrough in all things toilet related

Not only did we have the plumber come yesterday to repair the toilet but Henry for the first time ever uttered these words with sounds of desperation "Mum, I have to do a wee on the toot"and then followed through.

We were so proud and so was he as he looked in the potty and saw it filled almost to the top.

When he needs to go he walks around with his legs crossed and bends over as though he's in pain. It's like he thinks if he does this he'll stop it coming out and wetting his shorts or something. I've tried to catch him each time but as soon as he'd get on the potty he'd stop and nothing would come and then he'd do it in his pants. My theory of him becoming uncomfortable each time he was wet eventually paid off and he asked to go. YAY! He may regress yet but so far this morning he's asked us to take him three times but not done anything. Yet.

1 comment:

Churlita said...

I guess it's better to ask and not need to go, than to need to go and not ask.

Congratulations, Henry!