Thursday, February 08, 2007

6210 Times!

Maya has been back at school for almost two weeks now. The chant only started this week on account of the teachers obviously wanted to give them time to settle in on the first week.The Chant generally goes something like this. "Have you done your homework?", "Have you done your homework?", "Have you done your homework?"

I just did some quick calculations and over the last nine years I've said this approximately three times per day on at least 230 days of the year. That equals 690 times per year and that multiplied by 9 equals 6210.

Calculations using the above averages means my mother, who had five children,would have said this approximately 41400 times in the schooling life of her children.

See what you're all in for. Maybe you'll all be lucky and have kids who love homework as much as they love making life hell for their parents. It's statistically unlikely...unless you've given birth to a microchip controlled nerd.


Meegan @ The Harvey Circus said...

Oh my.
I'm just trying to count up how many times I say 'no' in one day...
And Owen's not even 2 yet!

Carla said...

I can't wait!! :)

Libby said...

Perhaps we should drown them all at birth?

I think I am already up to 41,000 and my son is only in his 3rd week of year 2.