Monday, March 19, 2007

Student of the week AND a job

And this is where I get to act like the proud mother.

Last week Maya scored a Student of the Week Award and a part time job at McDonalds all on the same day.

In her interview at McDonalds they asked her what her favourite subject was and what the teacher of that subject has to say about her. She was able to very proudly report that earlier that same day the teacher of her favourite subject (History) had awarded her Student of the Week.

Now the job thing makes me VERY proud because she will now be able to sink her own dollars into her other


Churlita said...

Yea! for Maya! Now. tell me how you got her to get a job. I would love my girls to start making their own money.

Carla said...

i would reckon threatening to cut off the money to their fashion supplies would be a start :)

Carla said...

but of course what do i know - i am still in that 'having fun buying clothes for my toddler phase' :)

Claire said...

I threatened to ground her until she's 18, never to buy phone credit, clothing, pay for guitar lessons, and then told her we were going to buy a car that's even more run down than the one we currently own.

The car thing was the threat that worked the best. You have no idea how embarrassing it is for a 14 year old to have to drive around in a beat up car!