Saturday, July 28, 2007

Our day in pictures

As I write this Maya, Ben and Henry are behind me playing guitar. Well obviously Henry isn't but he's trying, unsuccessfully. It's been a day of bonding for our family. One that has been long overdue. Maya was largely absent for it because she was at her guitar lesson and then at work but we all sat and ate dinner together when she came home.

While Maya was at her lessons me, Henry and Ben went to the park to play. When we dropped her at work we stayed for a burger for lunch. Then we left Henry with Nana for a little while to do some shopping. Finally we came home and stuffed ourselves stupid with a delicious home made curry lovingly made by Ben.

While we had plans to clean the house we let it all go by the wayside and I'm glad we did. After what has been a hectic few weeks it was nice to all hang out together and just be.

1 comment:

Churlita said...

It sounds wonderful. I wish we could slow our lives down if even for a day.