Tuesday, October 16, 2007

When you should be something else

Henry has always showered with us since he was a baby because we don't have a bathtub. Last night while getting in the shower Henry noted something...

H: Mum, you don't have a doody.

Me: No, I don't. That's because I'm a girl.

H: Well, we'll have to get you one.

Me: Where would we get one from?

H: From the doody shop. We'll get one next time we go there.


Churlita said...

How cute.

Your husband might have a problem with that though.

Meegan @ The Harvey Circus said...

Awwwe Henry is so very adorable!

So where is the doody shop, Mum?!

Shaz said...

Sorry Henry, I did have a doody but I scrubbed it with the buffpuff and it fell off. The buffpuff stuck though! :)