Thursday, November 29, 2007

Meeting my old T-shirts

Today I caught up with some friends of mine. People I used to work with. Some of the nicest, funniest and most interesting people I've had the pleasure of knowing. It was like slipping back into a favourite T-shirt, one that you thought you'd lost but found again lying under the bed in amongst the dust.

We visited an old favourite lunching haunt. A vietnamese restaurant in the Valley, aptly named The Vietnamese. The food is cheap but good. The company was comfortable, the conversation and laughs flowed easily...all that without a drop of booze!

As I get older I have less of a social life but I also find it harder to meet people I feel a connection with. Maybe it's just me but I find it harder to meet kind, friendly and patient people. Everyone is in a rush (including me), time poor (including me) and more interested in the size of their mortgage and investment portfolio than they are in the people that live within their community. So it was so nice today to meet with the people that used to make me laugh until my sides hurt - and still do. It was great to hear about their latest projects, their dreams and aspirations and their everyday struggles. We were a mixed bunch but we were a great team. Respectful of each other but at the same time comfortable enough to tell each other where to get off.

It's dates like these that restore my faith. That remind me that people do still have fun, that they care about each other and still find life interesting and challenging.

I must do more of it. I'm as guilty of the next person of not making an effort. My new year's resolutions list will be long and maybe some of them will get shot down before they get started because they'll be impossible to keep but I feel happy enough today to start the list.


Churlita said...

That sounds wonderful. I'm jealous.

Meegan @ The Harvey Circus said...

What a great catch up!

Scarrily, I find that new and lasting friendships are very few and far between. But I am thankful for the small group of treasured friends I know I do have (yeah, you are so included in there Michelle!).

Funnily enough, I had the pleasure of some relatively new friends company last night - and it felt exactly like that favourite t-shirt...

Claire said...

Thanks girls. Meegan, I count you in my list of great and lasting friends too. When are we catching up again?

Churlita - has he called yet?