Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thunderbird 3 - Get Ready for Blast Off!

Henry has been asking for a Tracy Island for some time. He's even begged me to make him one. I tried but apparently we didn't have enough alfoil or the right sized yoghurt containers. This is Australia, not England and we don't have Blue Peter.

We've searched, kind of, for a Tracy Island and the asking price of some of them on ebay is equal to the national debt of a third world nation. This obsession might be short lived too and we're not prepared to get a bank loan to buy one.

As I was mentioning Henry's obsession in the lunch room at work one of my co-workers piped up to tell me she had one sitting in her shed and it was going to be donated to charity over the coming weekend so it was lucky I brought it up when I did. Yesterday, she brought it in and I brought it home. I locked it in the boot of the car and when we got home I gave him three guesses as to what could be in there. His first guess was "It's Thunderbird 2", second guess was "It's great", third guess was "I'm going to love it". He was right on two counts. When he saw it he almost stopped breathing.

He hasn't left it alone since and even insisted on sleeping with it last night. As he drifted off he said "Mum, this is so totally cool and I am so totally lucky".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.