Thursday, December 04, 2008

Happy Birthday Maya

Maya is celebrating a significant milestone today. Well she would be if she was even out of bed yet. I decided not to wake her too early because when you're 16 and precious you need all the sleep you can get so as not to make life hell for your parents.

So we're totally going to be eating a whole lot of food today because that's how we celebrate in this house. We're out to breakfast first and then she's going off to do something with her friends before we head out to eat some more food tonight at this joint. It's been there for a long, long time. I know this because I used to frequent it when I was about her age but back then, in the 80's, it was totally swinging with magicians and they sometimes even served alcohol to underage drinkers - or perhaps we were already underage drunk before we got there.

So a great big fat happy birthday to my first born!

1 comment:

Churlita said...

Happy birthday Maya! Boy, do I know about those precious teens needing their sleep. Sleeping dogs, for sure.