Friday, August 08, 2008

I'm sitting on top of the world

I had no intention of taking anyone, especially myself, to the Ekka this year. I loved my local small town show when I was a kid but the Ekka's always been a little too big and busy for me. Plus one needs to have saved up the equivalent of a years pay to afford it. My stepfather called yesterday and asked if Henry would like to go to the Ekka and that he would be happy to take him. At first Henry, who had no idea what the Ekka even was, said no, he wasn't interested. I was kind of happy about his ambivalence but equally disappointed because I had visions of having hours alone. I didn't yet want him to know what the Ekka was and I also wasn't really that keen on him picking up one of the trillions of germs and illnesses that seem to lurk at such places. There was also the fact that Henry likes to run off - a lot, and I had fears that he may not make it back home.

I showed Henry the Ekka website and he became a little excited by the colours. I decided that if he were going I would have to go along too to make sure he came home. Although my stepfather spends a lot of time with Henry it's always at his house and rarely in public where climbable banisters, things with fire alarm butons and places to hide abound. So I did it, I went and the minute we stepped foot off the train into the Ekka groudns I wished I hadn't. There were people everywhere! I calmed down a little when I saw the bulls headed into the ring for the bull judging and the flashing signs advertising dagwood dogs.

I caved and let Henry have some rides and we took him to the "top of the world" in the - get this - air conditioned Ferris Wheel! I'm glad they banned that stupid carousel and let the air conditioned Ferris Wheel stay. It's about time the Ekka got modern. I was even more pleased when I saw the sign on the ceiling of our air-conditioned cab that said "smile, you're on camera". I guess they installed those to catch anyone trying to sneak in a pash while they're up there on top of the world. Thank God for Ferris Wheel police. Lord knows we need them!

1 comment:

Churlita said...

It sounds like it was fun for Henry, at least.