Target had these on sale the other day and I tried to get one in a covert operation to hide away for Henry's upcoming fifth birthday. Since he was with me there was very little luck in the way of keeping it hidden. He saw it of course and it hasn't left his body since. Transformers are his latest obsession.
This child is hilarious and I only wish I'd had more time lately to record more of his antics but I've had some lovely feedback in the last couple of days. One from a mother of one of his kindy friends. I wasn't expecting anything positive when she started the covnersation by telling me she had something she'd been meaning to say to me for some time. I was pleasantly surprised though when she told me Henry was just so lovely, even when he's cheeky. She said she just loves him and has a real soft spot for him because he is so charismatic. Today one of his kindy teachers told me how delightful he was and how bright he was and how she could listen to his stories all day. That warms a mother's cockle shells.
Just tonight in the shower he was talking about eggs and Maya learning to drive. He told me that she had to learn to drive just like I did when I was a kid. He then told me that Maya was just a small kid when he was just an egg (this followed from a conversation he and I had the other day about how old he was when Maya was 4). His words:
Yeah you just laid me in the yard like an egg outside your body like a chicken does, or did you just get me out of your bottom?
I had to tell him that it was a bit of both but that he hadn't been dropped in the backyard like a chicken egg. He then asked me if I'd left any chocolate eggs from my bottom for the Easter bunny!
Awww. What a sweet and funny boy. It's great to get positive feedback from others too.
What a lovely thing to hear from another mother about Henry! As you said, it's such a pleasant surprise when someone says something nice about your kids :o0
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