Saturday, October 21, 2006

Daycare? I don't think so.

Last night I received a phone call from an inside source at the daycare centre Henry attends. She wanted to tell me of an incident that she wasn't supposed to tell me about but felt she could not keep to herself. I was prepared for her to tell me Henry had beat some child up and had been forced to hang out in "timeout" or something. What she told me was far, far worse; Just this week Henry was moved up to the pre-kindy group. He managed to skip the Toddler B group he normally would have had to go to before heading into pre-kindy because he's just too smart (do I brag?). On Thursday Henry had been left alone, unsupervised for 15 minutes in the playground because they "forgot" him. He was only rescued because another carer saw him there on his own through the window from her room. No one mentioned this little incident to me when I collected him but I wondered why all the staff were being overly nice to me.

Apparently the staff in question have been raked over the coals for their actions but at this stage I know no more than that. By law they have to mention it to me so it remains to see if they do. My inside source is scared she'll lose her job if it's found out she mentioned this incident to me before it was officially reported to me so I'm kind of in a bind. I will give them one week to tell me of this incident before I blow my top.

I am grateful Henry has no injuries but whether he fell from any of the play equipment I don't know. I am also grateful that he was unable to escape onto the road or the car park or that some passerby hadn't abducted him.

I feel like a terrible mother for even having him in daycare but at the same time I pay them good money to TAKE CARE of my child. Why they didn't do a headcount or how they didn't see him is beyond me and I cannot comprehend how this may have happened. It had rained that afternoon and obviously he'd been caught out in it because his hat was soaking wet and his clothes had been changed. I don't know what happened to his wet clothes because they didn't come home with me.

What to do now?


Libby said...

Oh, the poor little possum. I hope he wasn't distressed out there?

Was he okay about attending the next day or time you took him back?

Libby said...

With any luck he probably didn't even notice it happened.

Claire said...

He hasn't been back yet. He goes again tomorrow and I'm hoping they let me know about it then. I don't think he was too traumatized by it. I've since heard that they forgot one little girl only a few months ago and she was out there for a half hour on her own. I'm not going to just say "oh no worries, no harm done". I will certainly let them know I'm not impressed.

Libby said...


It's not like it is the first time they've done it. Jeez, how irresponsible.