Wednesday, August 15, 2007

For Our Friends in France

This was once our local Woolworths supermarket. I believe they've yanked it down to make way for a bigger, better and newer version. I didn't mind the existing one but the car park was a major pain in the behind and if you had a car that fit more than two people in it you couldn't park there.

I miss that supermarket. I miss the staff that worked there that we came to know and who always asked after Henry. With a bit of luck they'll all be back before Christmas but progress will be slow and somehow I don't see how it can happen.

And guess what else??? Right now it's raining. For some of you who read this you will be saying "big deal". But for us it is a HUGE deal. It hasn't rained in like twenty years. When we look out our window across the city the trees that were once all nice and green seem like sad silhouettes against the skyline. It's so dry that even the weeds won't grow. We've been limited to four minute showers, been told to do one less load of washing a week, feed all the grey water to the garden etc, etc. People have stopped talking about the weather as a matter of small talk because there's only been one thing to say and that is - "gee it's dry isn't it?" Of course because there are really no other subjects for small talk people just stop talking. Talking about the dry gets boring and there's no variation on the dryness to even discuss. It's just dead, bone dry.

Right now the birds are singing and dashing between the trees like all their Christmases have come at once . It will probably only last two minutes but those two minutes will be enough to provide small talk amongst the family for a good hour.

1 comment:

Churlita said...

Once when I was a kid in Arizona, we went over a year without rain. Once it finally did rain, all the kids ran into the street to play in it.