Thursday, September 13, 2007

Boy Meets Girl

I'm slowly learning that my son can be completely charming when he wants to be. This cute little bundle of sweet girl child that Henry was lucky enough to spend some time with recently survived his hurly gurly madness.

Eva, and her parents were in Australia this past weekend all the way from New Zealand. This was the first time we had met her because she was born in New Zealand after her mother moved back there three years ago. She is so incredibly sweet that it almost makes me want to try for another in the hopes that I can reproduce her. Not only is she super intelligent but she is gentle, quiet and reasonably calm. If it could be guaranteed that any child I gave birth to was like her I would do it a million times.

Her parents left her with us for a night while they went and enjoyed some adult time alone. She went to bed here in a strange bed in a strange house with nary a peep. When she woke in the morning she behaved as if she'd spent oodles of time with us. She was happy and comfortable in our presence and Henry didn't try to beat her up even once.

Since she left he's been wandering around the house finding things that she didn't break (as if she would) and declaring everything to be ok.

Ben has only said approximately 23 times that Eva was the sort of child he expected Henry to be when he first learned we were pregnant. Still, I love the one we did get.

1 comment:

Churlita said...

That photo is so precious.