Tuesday, September 25, 2007


My friend Mel left a comment on my last post. She was hoping I was feeling better. I was going to reply to her comment and say yes indeed I was but I woke up this morning feeling like I am dying from something that can kill me. I've been battling my usual springtime sinus infection which invariably leads to my chest but now on top of that I seem to either have another sinus infection or the head cold from hell. It's almost impossible to breathe through my nose. I think there's enough snot in it to fill a vegemite jar which I could then take to work to show to my work mates. I'll tell them I'm conducting a science experiment. Just like I used to at school. That ought to make them pleased I came into work.

The good news is Henry's ears appear to be clearing. Dr Helen took a look at them yesterday and said they were indeed improving. She agreed with me about holding off on surgery unless it was absolutely warranted. I felt a whole lot better after that. Well that was up until I had to go to the supermarket with Henry in tow on the way home.

When I collected Henry from daycare yesterday afternoon he was all alone outside the office of his teacher while all the other children were playing happily in the playground. I asked him what was wrong and he said "I was pushing my friends around and I didn't do what Charmaine said". At least he was forthright about it. I spoke to Charmaine who said she'd given him two warnings and when he didn't listen the third time she took him with her away from the other children for some time out. I found this time out thing a little unusual given that the other naughty child in their group, who carries a dagger to daycare, receives no punishment or time out for his bad behaviour. Maybe because he's special and has ODD (Optional Defiance Disorder). A child who threatens a teacher with a chair is best left alone to do what he likes.

Anyway I had always told Charmaine that I wanted her to use time out for Henry at daycare when he misbehaves as that's what we use at home and it seems to be most effective. So she did. I don't know if some kid had slipped Henry some stimulant drugs in the playground but he was suddenly ODD as well. He loves Doctor Helen and so is always very polite and charming with her but the minute we left there and headed for the supermarket he became the child every parent dreads. By the time we got to the checkout I was ready to chain him to the bike rack outside the doors while I paid for the groceries. He was driving me nuts. I began to wonder if he'd eaten a bag of sugar while I wasn't looking. The young girl at the checkout, who seemed not yet old enough to understand the word "children" let alone be serving at the checkout, glared at Henry while packing my groceries as if she were staring straight into the eyes of hell.

So it took some serious behavioural intervention when we got home to get him to settle down but he eventually did. By then I was almost dead and could feel my head cold getting worse by the second. I went to bed and tried to fall asleep so that I could dream that I would wake up in a new life.

1 comment:

Churlita said...

I would get that checked out. I had a sinus infection once and thought I was going to die. The antibiotics cleared it right up.