Sunday, August 31, 2008

Stolen but found

Last night Maya headed into the city with some friends to watch the spectacle of Riverfire. She had pretty much resigned herself to the fact that she would not be going after some of her friends pulled out half way through the day. They changed their minds at the 11th hour though and as a result were so rushed to make it to the city they missed all the fireworks anyway.

She arrived home a few hours later and reported that their night had been a complete waste of time and to top if all off someone had stolen her favourite jacket. She and her friends had been waiting for the bus to return them home when a male person around the same age as her walked by her and grabbed her jacket off the seat where she had placed it. He then ran off with all his mates cheering him on. She and her friends hotfooted it after them but were unable to keep up the chase because of traffic.

This morning she and her friends have scoured Myspace and found him. They knew his name because his friends had called out to him as he ran away and that was about all they had to go by. This city is large but by narrowing down which school he was likely to go to and his likely age, along with his name they were able to track him. Now they sit and wait for him to add them to his profile and then they'll all launch an attack of the internet kind in which they'll kindly ask him to return her jacket... and maybe call him a trussed up private school boy! I would be all for that.


Churlita said...

That's a great idea. It's nice to know that Myspace is good for something.

Shaz said...

Find out which private school he goes to, call the principal and complain. Most schools don't take kindly to their students theiving, unless of course it's Ormiston College, and then the (ex)principal takes into account the wealth of the parents!