Friday, March 14, 2008

Even I think they're totally cool

Henry's current obsession is the Thunderbirds. This obsession is much more intense than any other he has so far had. We thought it might be nice to buy him some kind of Thunderbird toy and so looked to see what we could get. Apparently not much under $300 because it's no longer made. Anyone with anything Thunderbirds related should check out ebay to see how much their treasured childhood toys are going for. We did however find a box of Thunderbird VHS movies and episodes. He's watched them all over and over. This is his effort at turning them, and a few misfits, into Thunderbird 2.

A young guy that I work with loved Thunderbirds too as a child and brought me in a matchbox model of Thunderbird 1 which has not left Henry's hands since he got it.


Anonymous said...
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Churlita said...

That's so cool of your co-worker to part with his toy for Henry.