Saturday, March 15, 2008

The power switch is currently switched to off

Maya has started her own blog and last night she was reading mine, you know, just to make sure it's not better than hers. She said, "Mum, this is funny, you're not that funny in real life but for some reason all my friends think you are". I told her it was because they were obviously smart and she had a lot more work to do in human studies.

So far she hasn't written much on it and I'm allowed to link to it but there's no way she's EVER going to link to mine. That would be just plain embarrassing. If I had a myspace she would positively die from the embarrassment of it all because everyone knows that if you do have a myspace you need to delete it as soon as you have finished celebrating your 25th birthday.

There's also something really very cool about today. No it's not my birthday. I am actually home ALL ALONE. That's right, there's no one here but me. I have the music turned up to full volume and I'm reveling in the peace inside my brain.

1 comment:

Churlita said...

Wow. You're home alone? that's even better than your birthday.