Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Bellbird Grove

The kookaburra that ate the ham right out of the sandwich which was in the hand of grandpa Richard

Bellbird Grove lies north west of Brisbane on the way to Mt Glorious. It's a beautiful, serenely quiet spot. I've often driven by the sign but never made the turn to take a look. There's a 1.5 klm walk through the bush which has been designated with input from aboriginal groups. The bark huts are of course not original but serve as a reminder for all those who walked there before us.


Libby said...

where is Bellbird Grove?

Claire said...

It's on the way to Mt Glorious. All the times I've been up there I've never bothered to stop off here. It's got the loveliest picnic area.

Carla said...

never heard of it - looks lovely though