Thursday, October 19, 2006

Recreating the peak hour gridlock

Those of you who live here in Brisbane will already know about the heavy traffic problems caused the crack in the riverside express overpass. Fortunately I haven't yet been stuck in it or really noticed any difficulty in getting where I need to go. Henry's trucks and cars however experience this every afternoon at peak hour, otherwise known as "the hours of hell" in our home.


Libby said...

Brisbane traffic? That's an oxymoron if ever I've heard one.

Can't believe the overpass cracked!! That is appauling!

Carla said...

oh believe it lib. imagine the captain cook bridge CLOSED and then imagine peak hour...

Claire said...

It's no longer an oxymoron even without a collapsing bridge. Millions (slight exaggeration)are moving here from the southern states. Can't understand why though as it's always so bloody hot!