Friday, May 18, 2007


I am unable to understand why it is acceptable when writing an email or sending a text message to omit salutations or any type of anything that would be normally considered polite.

I am so fed up with it and sometimes feel like completely ignoring those who do such a thing. Right now I have a couple of things for sale on ebay. Of course people like to ask questions about these things. What they can't do when asking those questions is say hi, or hello or use a question mark or spell correctly. Nor can they even bother to sign off with thanks or sign off at all.

My sister recently sold a car and advertised it with her mobile phone number as the contact. Most people sent her a text message that went something like this - "wots ur lowest price" - no hello, no thanks, no "I'm interested in your car, do you mind if I ask a few questions", no correct spelling. Not even the energy to bother dialling the number. Of course she ignored those people but two of them continued to text her with the same question.

Are we too busy? Do we just not know how to be polite anymore? Do we just not care anymore? Is it universally accepted and so I should just take it like a man and ignore it?

It's not in my nature to be rude and so I can't do it but I really, really want to.

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