Saturday, July 19, 2008

Buzz Lightyear to the rescue

Henry has become a little bit obsessed with Buzz Lightyear since he saw him acting like the big hero he thinks he is in Toy Story. Because his GP has one in her waiting room he has also become obsessed with making up excuses to see Dr Helen. Just the other day he came out of his room clutching his ear saying "Mum, my ear really hurts, see, feel it. I'm going to have to go to Dr Helen". Of course I was concerned and asked him all the right questions to which he seemed to know all the right answers. Then he says "I'll have to go to Dr Helen and get Buzz Lightyear, that's why my ear is really sore". I asked him if he was just pretending to have a sore ear. As though expecting that a positive answer was in his best interest he excitedly replied "yes, of course I'm pretending, how did you guess, now we'll have to go to Dr Helen's and get Buzz Lightyear".

Yesterday I happened to have an appointment with my GP, who is also called Helen, and Henry was going to have to tag along. I warned him about where we were headed and of course suddenly his ear became very sore. He believed we were going to his Dr Helen and would not hear otherwise. No matter how many times I tried to tell him he would not accept my answer so he did what all three year olds do when they're not getting their own way and threw himself on the floor. I somehow managed to bribe him into the car but all the way there he was agitated because were were going in the wrong direction and further away from Buzz Lightyear. His screams from the back seat sounded like this "But Mum, my ear is really sore, don't you understand that? I need Buzz Lightyear!"

On days like that when he is determined that he will be right I find my patience is severely tested and I would quite happily hold my head in a bucket of sand until it passes.

1 comment:

Churlita said...

Buzz Lightyear is going to make your son a hypochondriac.