Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Welcome to the New Financial Year

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to try to continue to work in paid employment and still bring home enough money to feed your family. Along the way you will be given set challenges, the first of which will be to absorb the 17.5% increase in your childcare fees. Next you will be required to search out the cheapest fuel in your nearby suburbs or risk selling your car (beware - the increase in fuel costs will be used to justify an increase in all other expenses). If you are still standing there will be the increased cost of groceries, electricity, and car registration to contend with. And if that's not enough to keep you in the game there's always the threat of another interest rate hike or the rise in private health insurance to keep you second guessing yourselves. All of this without an increase in your take home pay. Never was meant to be challenging right?


Churlita said...

I know. It just doesn't pay to work, does it?

Meegan @ The Harvey Circus said...

All I can add is:
Uh hu :o)

Somethings just got to give. Eventually. Right?

Shaz said...

Hear, hear! I'm looking for work in Hamilton, that should shave an hour a day off travel times, which should drop my daily petrol bill down from $20 to $10/day. Or, I could just give up working outside the home and become a Family Daycare mum. There's none in my hometown, or the neighbouring one, so it'd be quite profitable. Pity I couldn't really justify doing it part time though.