Friday, July 25, 2008

See you round like a rissole

As we lay in bed together the other evening, Henry, Maya and I were having a grand time coming up with "see ya later" sayings. Some of them old and tested, some of them just made up by us. Of course "see ya round like a rissole" was one of them. Henry was laughing so hard I thought he might fall off the bed.

The following morning as I was leaving for work I said to him "see you round like a rissole". He turned and scowled at me and said "Mum, you don't say that, you only say it in bed". So there you have it. Never try to use it at any other time.


Carla said...

don't you just love it when they just cut you down like that? i went up to charli before and grabbed her bum and squealed 'bum' like she does to me.. all the time... and she thinks it's hilarious. i do it to her and she bursts into tears and says i scared her.. sheesh. the rules just change constantly.

Meegan @ The Harvey Circus said...

Just like we are forbidden to sing any sons that Owen has ever sung at Mainly Music or preschool...
That doesn't leave many for us to sing together!

Churlita said...

How cute. I guess there are certain rules that need to be followed, aren't there?