Sunday, June 25, 2006

Conversation with co-worker

Co-worker: I have a huge exam tomorrow and I haven't studied

Me: Oh, what are you studying.

Co-worker: Law

Me: What area will you go into?

Co-worker: I dunno. I don't even know what areas of law there are? I'm just doing it for something to do. I've got a job with a law firm and I start next week.

Me: What type of law do they specialise in?

Co-worker: Dunno.

Me: Are they friends of yours? Is it through someone you know?

Co-worker: No I applied for the job.

Me: Oh. Right. I guess you could do copyright law. That would be interesting in this day and age.

Co-worker: Yeah but what is that? I didn't even know the difference between a solicitor and a barrister until I googled it yesterday.

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