Monday, June 19, 2006

Thank God they're back

My mother and stepfather have been away for the last three weeks. They arrived home on Saturday evening after driving more than 1000 kilometres and the first thing they did was call to tell us they were home and they couldn't wait another minute to see Henry and could they come over now. Please! Never mind about the rest of us. They called everyday to get an update on how he was doing. They had driven to almost every town in Queensland but the scenery wasn't enough to take their mind off the most precious thing in their world. Henry. Henry was almost as bad as they were. I had to go to their house each day they were away and bring in their mail and check on things. We'd get there and Henry would be deep breathing in anticipation of them standing at the top of the stairs waiting for him. He'd say "Oooh Nanna, Tritchy" then go tramping through the house yelling "Where are you Nanna?". Of course they didn't show. They weren't there. Then he'd start whining. "Nanna, Tritchy. Not here" and almost start hyperventilating because they were no where to be seen.

When they rang Saturday night to say they were coming over Henry waited at the door, eyes wide, new trucks in hand and when they finally arrived I thought he was going to keel over with excitement. Mind you they were as bad as he was. My mother was almost teary and Tritchy was beside himself. Suddenly all was right with the world once again. Those that should be joined at the hip were together once again.

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