Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Henry has become an outrageous flirt. Today at the supermarket he spied a very pretty little girl who seemed to be around his age, perhaps a little older and started coyly smiling at her, pointing at her and saying "hi". He was in the shopping trolley guarding the groceries for me while I was paying for them. I looked up at him to see him taking everything from the bags and showing them to her. She was very cutely standing there holding her dress and rocking back and forth just like they do in the movies. He would point, smile and shove the carton of sausages her way as an offering. When it was time to go he flashed her the most enormous grin and said "see you later, bye". She very shyly lifted her hand and waved back. Henry continued to watch her as we walked away.

This could be cute but it could also be the start of something that's going to cause me to have a stash of vodka in the cupboard at all times.

1 comment:

Libby said...

Is the vodka for you or Henry??? ;-)