Sunday, October 29, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!

Happy Birthday to me.
Happy Birthday to me.
Happy Birthday dear fantastic, hardworking, dedicated, loving Mama.
Happy Birthday to me.

Today is my birthday! I'm almost at the end of a long week of them. It starts with my sister who had a birthday on Wed and then my other sister had a birthday on Thursday and then my niece had a birthday on Friday and then my mother had a birthday yesterday and then I am having one today and then my sister in law is having one tomorrow and my brother in law is having one on Monday.

Last night my husband and daughter cooked up a most delicious three course meal in celebration. I did nothing. They shopped, they prepared, they waited on us and they cleaned up. The food and service was fantastic and possibly better than we would have had at a restaurant. This morning I have had three cups of tea in bed and been presented with a box of Lindt Chocolates and a gift I've been waiting a long time for - a quality non stick fry pan. I know that's not very romantic but you have no idea how much I actually wanted one. I go to the shops and I lovingly touch them and knock them with my knuckles and turn them over and read about the quantanium coating.

Later I'm being taken shopping by a friend to buy a pair of these.


Carla said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHELLE!!!!! 21 today...21 today.... :)

Libby said...

Happy Birthday. Happy cooking!

Churlita said...

Happy birthday! Happy Crocs - are Crocs happy? Well, happy birthday anyway. Your husband sounds like a keeper.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated Birthday Michelle! Sounds like you had a good one. :)

Claire said...

thanks for all the birthday wishes everybody!