Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Wee - wee

The thing I thought might never happen finally happened: Henry managed to actually wee on the toilet. After months of sitting him there and making those stupid noises that are supposed to sound like water running and having him watch us while we're at it and saying "wee wee" about 300 hundred times per day he finally managed it. Not without mess of course. Half way through he was as shocked as I was and had to pull it out midstream to see what was actually going on down there and in doing so managed to spray half the bathroom. Of course we clapped and cheered and jumped up and down and gave him a sickly sweet jube snake as a reward. For the rest of the afternoon he kept going into the bathroom and saying "you did it, yay! give him a snake!"

1 comment:

Carla said...

this gave dave and i a good laugh after a couple of bad days over here - thank you!! i can't be bothered with the TT until after #2 arrives I don't think.