Friday, November 24, 2006

I don't like that one

This is Henry's new catchphrase. "I don't like it". "I don't like that music". "I don't like the daycare". "I don't like the muesli bar". Whatever it is we offer him he just says "Don't like that one". The only things he does like are the things he can't have; chocolate, ice cream, lollies, the huge truck at K Mart, his very own excavator, you know, easy things like that.

It's cute for a nanosecond and I don't know if he says it because he can or if he really doesn't like the things he says he doesn't.

Yesterday on the way to daycare I played a CD of songs, calming, soothing, quiet nursery rhymes, things that I thought he would like because when I play the radio he's always telling me he "don't like that song". Since he likes to listen to these nursery rhymes sometimes at home I thought he might appreciate them in the car. I was wrong. Each song was met with "don't like that song". I skipped through each one, he listened intently for about two seconds before announcing "don't like that song". When we got to the final song on the CD he said "have to buy a Wiggles music". So I guess that's what I have to do.

If one could buy truck sounds on a CD that is probably what he'd be most interested in listening to.


Carla said...

well how much is going to go ape at the concert next fortnight then!!??

Churlita said...

You know, I wouldn't be surprised if you could buy a CD with truck sounds on it...Or maybe you could make one and sell it to the parents of little boys and make tons of money.

Claire said...

I think he's going to love the Wiggles concert. And yes I have thought of making a CD of truck sounds and flogging it off!