Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Unhappy Hour!

Melissa J Evans suggested, and rightly so, that I write a post about the price of drinks at "Happy Hour" at this place.

She played there on Saturday night and if you've been reading my past posts you'll notice that I already mentioned that. As we rolled up Melissa rushed out and stamped our hands with some kind of blind eye graphic thing that should herald to the bar staff that we were entitled to "reduced price, Happy hour" drinks. I thought this was fantastic as I'm always one to take advantage of anything as long as it's reduced in price. I don't drink out very often and in fact have probably not actually purchased an alcoholic drink in a bar for several years. I sauntered up to the bar and placed my order, flashed by hand and hoped that significant gesture would mean my three drinks would only cost the price of one. Isn't that what Happy Hour usually is? An encouragement to spend more on booze by getting you rotten drunk for next to nothing in the first place. Everyone knows that after 3 or 4 you just don't care.

I dug my $5.00 note from my wallet and handed it over with a giant smug smile. After all I was there to support the megastar of the evening and I was sporting some eye like stamp on my hand. The female bar attendant took the five dollars and turned it over to check if there was anything else to accompany it. She then looked at me and then back at the five dollars and let out an enormous sigh. "I'm sorry miss but it's actually $25 for the three drinks you just ordered". I coughed slightly and said "but I have this stamp, see" and waved it under her nose. "That stamp only applies to Blue Caracao, Sherry and Blackberry Nip". She said. How stupid am I? Of course it only applies to drinks that no one has dared to consume for over 20 years.

Sheesh. Needless to say those drinks were the first and only I bought all night.


Libby said...

$25 for 3 drinks??? OMG, what were they? There should be laws restricting bars from doing that!

As my father would say... 'Even Ned Kelly had the decency to wear a mask when he ripped people off!'

Libby said...

I just checked out the bar's website. The 'Gallery' says it all. 95% of the images are of their decor only. Most galleries from bars or restaurants contain shots of their patrons enjoying themselves. Looks like they are full of themselves... wannabe's!

Claire said...

Ridiculous I know. What I bought was one glass of white wine, one glass of red and a pot of beer! I won't be drinking at no bars for some time.