Friday, December 01, 2006

I found one!

Just the other day I was wondering if it was at all possible to buy a CD of theme songs from children's well loved TV shows. Postman Pat, Fireman Sam, Thomas the Tank - all of Henry's favourites and had even thought about making one myself. Until today that is.

While trawling a $2 shop I found one. It has a whole passel of favourites including the three mentioned above. We played it in the car on the way home and Henry thought for a moment Fireman San was going to pop up in the front seat driving his firetruck. I looked around to see his expression and he was not moving but his eyes were darting around the car in anticipation. Finally he relaxed and started singing along but when Postman Pat started playing soon after I thought he may just wet his pants with excitement.

As soon as Postman Pat finished Playschool started and this unfortunately elicited a cry of "don't like that song, put Fireman Sam on". So we listened to Fireman Sam a total of three times on the trip home from the shopping centre. I think a part of me is going to definitely regret wishing there was such a CD and having that wish come true.


Carla said...

ha ha michelle. I woke up this morning humming and singing Dora the Explorer to my husband, who humoured me by doing the "oh man" part at the appropriate time. We realise now that have truly 'arrived' at parenthood..... Charli was still in bed by the way...not with us :)

Churlita said...

That is so great that you found that! At least it will be until it becomes annoying from listening to it too many times...