Thursday, December 14, 2006

Get a Byron Bay Massage

I'm not sure if the message posted above the heads of these mannequins is completely visible but it says;

Make a fashion statement everyday

Watch the sunset from the lighthouse

Get a Byron Bay massage

I imagine this is some kind of list dreamt up by merchandisers and marketing professionals. The scene kind of reminds me of those ads years ago that presented cigarette smoking in a glamorous light - you too can be too cool for school if you have these clothes coupled with a distant, vacuous look. It's standoffish but inviting (read pert nipples).

Anyone who knows anything about Byron Bay will know that it's not only where the "beautiful people" go but it's also where the "feral" people go. The dirty hippies hang out there selling hash filled cookies to anyone who doesn't look like a cop. I imagine the real attraction to Byron Bay is it's beautiful coastline but there's got to be an element of the dangerous that is also inviting to the kinds of people this shopfront window is appealing to - young girls with an eating disorder who have rich parents who supply them with credit cards.

But I may be wrong, maybe it's women like me who think they could somehow emulate that look. When they're rushing all over town to pick up screaming toddlers and hormonal teenagers they imagine they can switch off and become as vacuous as a mannequin with pert breasts and a distant look. Somehow they'll be able to treat themselves to a Byron Bay massage and watch the sunset from the lighthouse while enjoying a home made cookie.

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