Friday, November 17, 2006

Let's clear the air

We had a wild storm rip through town the other day. It lasted all of about fifteen minutes and tore the roof right off this church, an event my husband witnessed. It might be a while before the "perfect church" is able to open its doors to some not so perfect churchgoers.

The days leading up to said storm had been rather tense in our household but the storm seemed to clear the air somewhat and that afternoon saw everyone at home in a relatively good mood. Always being one to take advantage of any situation Maya thought it would be a good idea, as she usually does, to ask for something.

Maya: Everyone's in a good mood today

Me: Yes, maybe the excitement of the storm gave everyone else something to focus on and brought with it some fresh air

Maya: Yeah. Hey maybe we could have take away for dinner

Me: No we can't

Maya: Why not?

Me: Because we don't need to, we have plenty to eat here

Maya: But I don't want to eat it

Me: Too bad

Maya: What about pizza?

Me: No

Maya: ok. How about the Golden Arches?

Me: No

Maya: Oh why not?

Me: Because of above mentioned reason. If you had no choice but a cup of rice to eat each day you'd be happy to eat whatever I happen to cook which won't include rice

Maya: But I do have choices. I don't have to eat rice everyday.

Me: Yes your choice is a home cooked meal or nothing

And so began an hour long argument about how everyone else gets stuff WHENEVER they want it. I always remind her this is not true but she insists on informing me that all her friends do indeed get everything they ask for ALL the time. Yesterday she told me that ALL her friends are allowed to have 20 people sleep over for a slumber party on their birthday EVERY year. Either this is completely untrue or their parents are all stupid.

1 comment:

Churlita said...

Wow. It's just like my house. Although, lately here I'm told that everyone in a particular class got a bad grade. Really? And you don't think that the school would think that was odd? Or is it more likely that you didn't study for your test?