Friday, May 25, 2007


This is one of the only pieces of furniture that I now own that was not owned by several people before me. I feel so...grown up.

Ben and I decided it was time to invest in a dining suite that was safe, functional and liked by us both. We thought it would be easy. We had an idea about what we wanted but no idea about how hard it would be to decide between several that were similar but slightly different. This is what we finally settled on.

It got delivered this afternoon. Henry was excited because I was. The delivery van pulled up and Henry starts all "ooohhhh hoooo, it's so exciting mum, it's the delivery van". When the guys were unpacking it I told them how excited I was to have it. They both looked at me like I was some kind of deprived weirdo. I explained that it was one of the first pieces of furniture I've bought that hasn't belonged to someone else before me and cost more than $50. "Oh" he said. "No wonder you're so excited". And then they left.

Henry and I were left to climb all over it, sit on the chairs, pull them from the table, run our hands over the table top and then sit down and pretend we were eating the most delicious meal ever at the grandest table in the whole wide world!

I feel like a real adult now.


Churlita said...

That's so great. I wondered what that might feel like.

Libby said...

Very nice!

Now you just need someone to buy you a big bunch of flowers to display in the middle of it.

I like the high backed chairs! Enjoy.

Meegan @ The Harvey Circus said...

I Love It :)

Shaz said...

What a classy table! You have good taste. And Henry can sit on top and have his own SS Feathersword.