Monday, November 24, 2008

Bad Bad Mother

Tonight Maya had her final drama performance for the year and it was being marked by her teacher. I missed it because I stupidly had the time wrong and showed up half an hour late. I think it's going to take quite some time for her to forgive me and for me to forgive myself. I'm not sure what's wrong with me though because yesterday I completely forgot that Henry had to be at a birthday party at 2.30PM and was only reminded by my friend who rang to see if I had got lost on the way there.

Apparently Maya's performance was outstanding and her teacher has very kindly promised to give me a DVD copy of it. I'll promise to watch it over and over until I know the lines by heart myself and can recite them in my sleep. That's how much I love her.

1 comment:

Churlita said...

That stuff happens. Before I got migraine meds, I would lie down to rest from the pain and fall asleep and my daughter one time waited a half hour by herself after her violin practice. She's not scarred for life. Now she just teases me about it.