Wednesday, February 04, 2009

40 days and 40 nights

I'm due to go here on Sunday but obviously I'll have to rethink that if the rain continues. I can't possibly go somewhere that might have a problem with it's beer supply getting through. I will be working but what's the point of going there even for work if the opportunity to lie on a bed with the remote all to myself is going to be hampered by a lack of liquor supplies.

Henry is most distraught that he can't go with me and while I will welcome the few hours each evening I'll get to myself I know that I'll be more than eager to return to the chaos of home when my four days away is up.

We thought about taking the family with me for a mini holiday but at this time of year Cairns has an average daily temperature of 39 degrees celcius, the humidity is high and it rains on average in February for 19.1 days of the year. On top of that there is no swimming in the ocean because of the stinger infestations. It wouldn't much be worth it if all the family could do is stay holed up in an air conditioned room. Tourist season up there is during the winter months when the temperature usually sits at around 25 degrees celcius, humidity is low and swimming is allowed so perhaps next time they can accompany me.

1 comment:

Churlita said...

Have a nice trip. Maybe you should just take the beer along with you.