Monday, February 23, 2009

Just so I know it's all ok.

Every parent dreads hearing the words "Is that your child?" It makes us want to immediately cringe and defensively respond with "yeah, what's it to you?" There's a fear that they're about to tell you that your child did something to theirs or that they said something terribly hurtful. I've heard that phrase twice in three days but both times it was followed by praise. The first time was during our short break at the Gold Coast this past weekend. Henry had been playing on the playground equipment with Charlotte and McKenzie while another lovely volunteer parent supervised for Carla and I who were busy cooking dinner on the communal barbeque. When I came to collect the kids she asked me if Henry was mine. I told her he was, not sure what to expect. She then followed this up with a whole bunch of praise for his "kindness and helpfulness". I wondered if she was sure we were talking about the same kid. She pointed to him as reassurance. I wandered away feeling proud as punch, knowing that my young boy could indeed be helpful and kind, even when it wasn't expected of him.

It happened again today when I picked him up from after kindy care. The director of the kindy, who is hands on with the "downstairs room" more so than his room, was assisting the after care co-ordinator. When I arrived she asked me if Henry was mine. Again I was a little apprehensive, waiting to hear about what he might have done but all that came out of her mouth were words of adoration for what a wonderful, smart and kind boy he was.

Today, although I am tired because of the 3.30AM start he caused, I am feeling proud as punch of my youngest. Like my daughter, people have nothing but nice things to say about him. I feel like I must be doing something right despite my constant misgivings.

1 comment:

Churlita said...

That's great. It always feels good to hear praise for your children.