Sunday, March 01, 2009

New Family Members

Henry and Maya are now the proud new parents of two yellow budgies - Tropical and Dud. Henry's wanted a pet for quite some time and we've put off the idea for several reasons - money, time and lack of space. A pet bird seemed like a good compromise. We have no room, time or money for a dog and the cat...well they cost money too. We figured that a bird would do for now.

We wanted to get an Indian Ringneck because they tend to respond well to human interaction and Henry could train it to sit on his shoulder and teach it to speak a little. It turns out however that it's best to get them in about September, when they're still young and can bond better with their owners.

A friend of ours supplied the cage and a couple of hours later we had the birds, sourced from the local paper. All the way home Henry and Maya argued over names and which bird belonged to who. Henry of course wanted whichever one Maya wanted. As I suspected though the novelty wore off pretty quickly for Maya. She dumped it and ran because people were calling her on Myspace. She'd been gone for at least a half an hour from the computer while we collected her new pet.

So Henry has decided their names, despite Maya's protests, are going to be Tropical Bird and Dud Bird. He loves them but wants them on his shoulder like RIGHT NOW!

1 comment:

Churlita said...

Way to increase your family with as little cost as possible. You're a smart mom.