Monday, March 30, 2009


Henry's latest obsession is Spiderman. He has spent many hours studying just how Spiderman positions his fingers while using his webshooter and if he shows you how and you don't get it right he gets very upset. He's wanted a Spiderman costume for some time and so last week we scoured ebay. We put in a bid on the one he's standing in for $4.50 and then promptly ignored it. No one else bid and so it was ours. He sat beside me while I went through the process of paying for it and alerting the seller to the fact that I had paid for it. He was looking around the computer everywhere and I finally asked him what he was doing - "waiting for my costume to come. Which part will it come out of?"

I had to explain to him that the postman actually delivered it so he ran immediately down to the letter box and came up crying because it wasn't there. An agonising week went by before it got here and he has had it on almost 24 hours a day since. Now he insists on getting Spiderman gloves and shoes just so he can look like the Spiderman in the picture on the packaging. Don't know where I'm going to get those.

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