Saturday, March 14, 2009

New kid on the block comes back

So today, while driving the car out of the garage I spotted him again, lying smack bang in the middle of the road in the sun warming himself up in order to more easily digest whatever that is he ate. We're thinking it's probably a possum.


Anonymous said...

You are lucky! Not many get to see beauty like this in such close proximity:)

Churlita said...

That's quite a lump inside that snake. I wonder how long it takes for it to digest that?

Meegan @ The Harvey Circus said...

Whoa!!!! He's HUGE!
I can't say I'm envious at all :o)
Does Henry think it's exciting?

Shaz said...

And your excuse for not driving over it, reversing back, driving over it another three times to make sure it is dead, was?????????

Claire said...

My excuse for not driving over him is because he was beautiful and large and docile. He also helps with keeping the possum and rate population down. He was only a harmless python and not out to hurt any of us. We protected him from being run over by other people zooming down our quiet street.