Saturday, August 05, 2006

First there were four

My sister is having a birthday on Monday. My family is supposed to be joining her in celebration this weekend but they're all dropping like flies from the dreaded lurgy and other complaints. All four of us were meant to drive the 120 kilometres to her home, the adults would drink while the children played but now it's down to just me. I'll have to drink alone without the children. Sad! Ben's back has kept him hobbled over and walking like a crab. Henry has inflamed ears, Maya has what appears to be tonsilitis and I have a sinus infection. Yesterday Henry, Maya and I went off to the doctor and a million dollars later came home with a stash of presciption medications to treat the long list of ailments.

If I were ever really sick though I'd have to book into a holiday resort, ALONE, to recover.

1 comment:

Carla said...

oh i've considered that hotel idea when i've been sick...... hope everyone starts to feel well soon. hope you managed to spend the weekend with your sister :)