Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Woe is me...

There's no point having this blog unless I can use it to extract some sympathy of my own. I am sick. Never before have I spent so much money on snot medications and absorption devices. First Henry got an ear infection and has had a constant nose drip since winter started, then Maya got it minus the ear infection, then I got a sinus infection and now on top of it I have the worst head cold EVER. I went off the pharmacy to beg for something to dry it all up but she just said "It's better to just ride it out because anything I give you will just prolong it". Obviously she doesn't have kids at home who expect her to read truck books all day long and play cars.

Henry couldn't care less if I'm sick but Maya nursed me yesterday and even sent me to bed while she took care of Henry. That's the type of daughter all mothers should have. Ben feels bad for me but what can he do? He still needs to go to work to earn the money I need to give to the pharmacy.

1 comment:

Carla said...

hope you are feeling better hon?