Monday, August 28, 2006

Playgroup is all about singing

This morning I took Henry to the PCYC (Police Citizen's Youth Club) playgroup. We went with his friend Angelique who is four months younger than him. I was expecting a bunch of kids just hanging out doing their own thing on all the cool looking play equipment. What we got instead was a very well structured play timetable. When we walked in there were parents with their young children all sitting in a circle and the play instructor was singing some cool kids songs and playing her guitar. Every child except mine sat listening intently, enthralled by the singalong. Obviously they'd been before and were indoctinated into the rules of playgroup. Henry thought it much more fun to run around on the padded mats and scream really loudly so he could hear his own voice as it reverberated through the room.
There was some time to play with the cool stuff after the songs were over but even that was heavily controlled. He was very co-operative at this point but then it was time to head back to the "big" room for some ball throwing and more singing.

Henry just can't do sitting still during a singalong.

1 comment:

Carla said...

and why should he sit still - you should MOVE TO MUSIC ;)