Monday, August 07, 2006

Monster Truck Madness

Henry has a new monster truck. Just a small one, a little bigger than matchbox size but he's in love with it. Not just happy to have it but I believe he may seriously attached and he'd like to believe it's human. We got it while grocery shopping today. We have a choice of two supermarkets here which are very close to each other and only one of them sells matchbox cars. He knows which supermarket has them, which aisle they are in and exactly where in that aisle they are located. He spends several minutes looking over the display and then we hold several out for him to choose from but he can only have one. He inspects each and every one of them. The rejects get shoved back towards the rack. He's very polite about this and says "put it back". Today he chose the monster truck. This afternoon after he got it home he played with it very gently and drove it over everything he could drive it over and then he came rushing out to the kitchen and got a cup from the cupboard, the apple juice from the fridge and asked me to pour a drink for the monster truck.

I poured just a little in the cup and he poked the truck in there and made some slurping noises. Then I heard him say "Want some tucker?". I wondered what he might find to feed it. What do monster trucks like to eat after all. Apparenty it's dried apricots.

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