Monday, September 04, 2006

A Feast or Famine

Is it possible to have too many jobs? So this year I've had a total of four different jobs and just got offered another. My foray into the world of sales didn't last long. I couldn't quite bring myself to make any real sales to women who demanded you visit them but then looked at you over the top of their designer red framed lenses and told you they just wanted to see you but weren't interested in making a purchase right now. There's a certain type of person who occupies the space behind the counters of "home and living" retail stores. I always imagined them living in homes that looked just like their stores. Everything colour matched with a lot useless but attractive soft furnishings and vases full of nothing because they were designed for aesthetic effect not function.

Then out of sheer desperation I signed up to interview with a market research company I had worked for years ago for several years. Things hadn't changed there either but the pay was good. I guess I felt I'd rather struggle with trying to keep shoes on my kids feet than work in a cubicle dialing numbers that were connected to the homes of people who'd rather you break and enter to steal their posessions than ask them to answer a survey over the phone. That ended when I feigned a sore throat on Mother's Day and I was forced to provide them with a doctors certificate. That and the fact that I had to work 50 hours on a training rate for something I could do with my hands tied behind my back. It was also as if everyone working there accepted the fact that they were expected to work like robots even though all their job promotional material stated there would be "room to use your initiative and work your way up". Bottom feeders stay bottom feeders in that industry.

From there I took myself off to another market research company and told them what I could and could not do. They were fantastic and very accommodating and gave me some work that was more worthy of my ability although still not very stimulating.

I then got offered the work I'm currently doing which is working for an investigation company typing precis of investigation interviews. Some might say this is utterly boring but I find it utterly fascinating. I get to listen in on some very interesting stuff.

In between all of this I applied for a job on a health research study and while, according to them, I was the best candidate for the job, I missed out because I wasn't available enough for them. Just last week they offered me the job again. I turned it down. I'm quite happy where I am. It's not consistent but it pays very well and it keeps me entertained.

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