Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Talented Few

Many people are fortunate enough to know someone who is extremely talented. I am one of those fortunate people. I've known Melissa J Evans since high school and she is one very talented woman.

Last night she played at a local cafe near us and so we trotted off down to see her. She sang a few songs I hadn't heard before including one about her experience in San Francisco when she toured the states. Her music style is very unique but if I had to describe her so you may understand how she sounds I could liken her to the Indigo Girls meets Tracy Chapman perhaps but even that isn't right. The lyrics to her songs have the ability to touch your soul and she sings about all things we experience in life but generally tend to push away because it's all too hard to think about.

She does have very good taste in pizza too. I fortuitously arrived just as they were finishing stuffing themselves on the pizza they had been given free of charge by the cafe. There were two pieces left that had my name all over them. Most people know I can't stand to see food go to waste so I felt it was my duty to finish them off. I had to. They would only have been thrown away otherwise.

That's her in the orange with her partner Sue and my brother Brett. He's a pretty talented songwriter/musician too.

If you're interested you can hear Melissa here or here.

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