Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Swim like a crocodile

Henry had his first swimming lesson today. I had tossed up in my mind whether or not to take him but I'm so glad I did. The swim instructor was fantastic. His lesson was taken with a baby and another little girl only around 15 months old. Of course I had to get in the water with him but the pool is heated and it's under cover so it was really a lovely experience. They teach using songs as prompts which made it fun. Considering he's only ever been swimming in a pool about 3 times he took to it like a duck to water. He loved it up until the last ten minutes when he started saying "I don't like the beach, I have to go home now". Still he continued on like a trooper.

The baby boy knew all the cues and the little girl was like a fish. She was amazing. She would swim underwater to the side of the pool and get out by herself. Her mother said she had only been going since she was twelve months old. I think the instructor knows how to get results.

1 comment:

Carla said...

which swim school are you going to hon? i'm going to start taking charli to the local pool again on the weekend and then when bubs comes along i want to start taking her and baby (at 3 months) regularly... she used to go every week but i got slack