Thursday, September 07, 2006

He's never coming back

Steve Irwin, famous Australian Crocodile Hunter is dead. I can't say anything here that hasn't already been said but for those of you in the States I can tell you that his death has been all anyone has talked about here. The TV and radio have been broadcasting almost nothing but reports and tribues to him. We all believed he was invincible. Many Australians were almost embarrassed that he was the "Australian" the world believed us all to be. I'm proud of that fact. He put Australia on the world map. He made us all much more aware of the delicate link we have with nature. He poured his own money into conservation. He bought up land everywhere just to protect the species who were at risk of extinction. Love him or hate him there's not many of us who can say we lived our lives fighting causes we were truly passionate about. He certainly wasn't a wealthy man by Hollywood standards. Apparently he made only $4 million last year compared to Nicole Kidman's $23 million and the $50 million made by the Wiggles. He was the most well known Australian worldwide and yet made only a fraction of what others made. All of his money went back into the conservation and protection of wildlife and their habitat.

Many news reports I've read on the internet claim that few Australians watched his programs. I did. I loved them. Maya loved them. I guess if his death does nothing else it may make people realise that we never know when we are going to breathe our last breath. Who gets up in the morning and thinks they're going to die that day, just hours after having that first cup of tea?


Elan Morgan said...

It's funny how much thought I've given to a man I barely watched on television. I think it's that passion and joy that he obviously had...

Carla said...

RIP steve - at least he died doing something he loved - little consolation for his wife and 2 children I'm sure. I hope he's found that great big national park in the hereafter that he deserves!!