Friday, May 02, 2008

Lovely shirt and other lovely shirt

Being unemployed means not having to dress up because, well I've got nowhere to go. I've tried to make some kind of an effort to look at least half way reasonable while hanging out at home however. Yesterday I pulled out my nicest pair of jeans (the ones without any holes in them), t-shirt and knitted shirt which is unravelling at the seams. Henry took one look at me and said "Mum, why do you have on that lovely pair of jeans and lovely shirt and other lovely shirt?"

I told him that I had dressed like a Queen just for him. I wanted him to admire me for my ability to continue to pay attention to my appearance even when I have no reason to.

Sons are the best things a mother can have. Henry is always complimenting me. When I get a hair cut he is always the first to say "Mum, your hair looks nice". If Ben or Maya leave the house with only a cursory goodbye Henry quickly prompts them to say it "nicer". "Dad and Sister, you need to say goodbye nicer to Mum and give her a kiss".

I know that this might not necessarily carry over into his teenage years or his adult years but for now I'm going to soak it up.

1 comment:

Churlita said...

I'd take that as long as I could get it. I'm lucky if I even get a grunt in my direction when I drop my girls off at school.