Friday, May 09, 2008

So I'm over the business of finding a new job, although I did yesterday receive two more requests for an interview. It felt pretty good to say I was no longer in the running. Still I have yet to iron out the details of my new job. Hopefully that is going to happen Monday. In the meantime I now need to find time to just hang out and do nothing.

Week one of being unemployed was full of the grief one feels over losing a job. Week two was full of applying for jobs and week three has been tidying up loose ends. Now I need one more week just to lie around like a slob sucking on lollypops and reading trashy novels. Of course if I get a spare week that's not what I will really do. I'll more than likely spend it doing some more washing, ironing, shopping, cooking and cleaning. Anymore weeks off work and I will be dead broke so I probably shouldn't push it too far.

Henry has taken to role playing and always wants to play "daycare". He wants me to be him and for him to be mummy or Miss Alison, his day care teacher. Last week he had an ear infection. He had a dose of anti-biotics over the weekend and seemed fine to go back to daycare on the Monday so I sent him. I got a call from Miss Alison around lunchtime telling me he was upset and saying his ear hurt. As I had just finished at a job interview I asked her to comfort him till I got there and to tell him I was on my way.

He had fallen asleep by the time I arrived so I picked him up and carried him out to the car. He roused and was fully awake by the time we got home. I gave him a dose of pain killers and he was back to his hell-raising antics within half an hour. It's this episode that he wants to replay when we play "daycare".

He tells me, in a stern voice, to just lie down and rest on my mattress. Then he suddenly shows concern for me and in a gentle voice says "it's alright, your mummy is coming soon". He then walks out of the room and comes back with a huge smile on his face and says "Hi darling, are you ok?" He leans in close and whispers in my ear something unintelligible. He then attempts to pick me up and tells me he is going to take me to see Dr Helen. He then runs out to get his doctor kit and comes back to gently guide me into the chair. He says "Now Henry, how are you feeling? Is your ear sore?". He checks me over thoroughly just as Dr Helen would. Then he offers me a lolly and says "I'll show you to the door, it was nice to see you again Henry. I hope you're feeling better soon".

If I say the wrong thing at the wrong time during these games I get a lecture. He stands with his hands on hip and talks in a stern voice but doesn't seem to be saying anything I can understand. Perhaps that's a sign that he doesn't understand me when I am angry...phew!

So we have just now bought a whooppee cushion and the two of us haven't laughed so much in months. The best $2.99 I've ever spent. Fake farts are just so damned amusing.

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